Is a move to Spain the right decision for you?

In this starter course I'll help you answer the 6 key 'Move to Spain' questions, so you can take your first step to life in Spain.

Three years ago, a viewer of my YouTube channel said to me: 

“I had my chance to move to Spain. But it’s too late now…” 

He’d long dreamed of moving to Spain. But life had gotten in the way… 

It stuck with me. 

Over the last three years, while helping hundreds of people move to Spain, I often think of him.

I know how hard it is to move countries and build a new life. 

If moving to Spain is your dream, I understand how easy it is to feel stuck at the beginning of the process. 

The amount of information online is overwhelming. And often conflicting. 

You’re concerned about the legal and financial implications. 

Put simply, you don’t know where to start.

Only 6 Questions

What if I told you that there are only 6 key questions you need to answer to know if a move to Spain is right, and possible, for you?

By the end of this course,

you will have the answers to the 6 key questions…


➡️ Legal: Do you have an appropriate immigration route?

Understand the different visas available and why choosing the correct one is crucial.

➡️ Finances: Do you have sufficient funds?

Learn the necessary financial resources for relocating and residing in Spain and understand your tax obligations.

➡️ Location: Is there a place in Spain that’s right for you?

Discover the various location options in Spain and why each region offers unique lifestyles.

➡️ Healthcare: Are there any healthcare issues preventing your move?

Get to know the health insurance requirements for relocating to Spain and common obstacles (many of which can be overcome).

➡️ Housing: Can you secure the right home?

Understand your rights as a non-Spaniard to rent or buy, as well as the types of housing available.

➡️ Life: Will you be happy in Spain?

Explore the elements that I believe ensure a satisfying life in Spain.

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Let me introduce myself... 👋

I'm James Blick, Founder of Spain Revealed.

Having lived in Madrid for 12 years, and with a legal background, I have helped hundreds of people move to Spain through my courses, videos, and webinars.

I’ve experienced first-hand the challenges, doubts, and questions people face when moving to Spain. 

But more importantly, I’ve learned how to help people overcome them. 

Too often, people get stuck at the start of the process. They simply don’t know how to take the first step. 

So I’ve created this…

What’s Inside "Is Spain Right For You?"

Module 1

Legal: Do you have an appropriate immigration route?

The only way for you to be able to permanently reside in Spain is to have a suitable immigration route that works for you. In this module I will break down the different visas, who they are for, who they are not for and why this is such a crucial decision.

Module Highlights:

➡️ The 90/180 Plan

➡️ Non-Lucrative Visa, Golden Visa (and upcoming changes)

➡️ Digital Nomad Visa

➡️ Rules for EU Citizens and Families

➡️ + other less common Visa Options

Module 2

Finances: Do you have sufficient funds?

When considering your finances it's important to not just look at the cost of life once you're IN Spain, but also the costs associated with making the move and that's what we'll break down in this module.

Module Highlights:

➡️ All the costs associated with your move to Spain ( + case studies from Masterclass Alumni)

➡️ The cost of life in Spain and everything you need to consider when you're considering a move

➡️ Housing Costs

➡️ Tax Residency plus the various taxes in Spain (Income tax, wealth tax etc.)

Module 3

Location: Is there a place in Spain that’s right for you?

Spain is a diverse country and each region has it own benefits and drawbacks - and this is a very personal decision.

Module Highlights:

➡️ Aspects you may want to consider when choosing potential locations (prices, drought, community and more)

➡️ Facilities (airports, hospitals, train lines etc.)

➡️ Plus you'll get the insider scoop on where my Masterclass alumni have chosen to move to

 Module 4

Healthcare: Are there any healthcare issues preventing your move?

Healthcare is an essential area when it comes to moving abroad. Your visa may have certain healthcare requirements associated with it, and you may or may not be entitled to accessing the public healthcare system. Also pre-existing medical conditions may impact the cost of your health insurance or the ability to get cover.

Module Highlights:

➡️ Understanding the dual system of public and private healthcare

➡️ Immigration Requirements

➡️ Costs of healthcare

➡️ Pre-existing medical conditions and their impact on your insurance cover

Module 5

Housing: Can you secure the right home?

Housing is another essential area, so in this module we'll look at the types of housing available and where you most often find them, what your rights are as an immigrant and the difference between renting and buying.

Module Highlights:

➡️ Renting vs. Buying a property in Spain

➡️ Roadblocks to renting and buying

➡️ Common Questions like: What about pets? Or renting your property out as a short-term rental?

Module 6

Life: Will you be happy in Spain?

While you can never quite know if you will be happy in your new country, I can certainly give you the areas of life that will impact how well you adjust to your new home - and that's exactly.

Module Highlights:

➡️ Is there rising anti-immigrant/expat sentiment

➡️ Do you need to learn Spanish?

➡️ What about finding work in Spain?

➡️ How easy is it to integrate into society?

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Is this the 'Move to Spain Masterclass'?

No, it's not. Let me explain...


Twice a year, I run my Move to Spain Masterclass, an 8-week cohort-based course that gives people ALL the step-by-step info necessary to move to Spain. 

Nothing has changed there, and the next cohort is coming up soon.

But let’s face it: If you’re not even sure IF a move to Spain is possible for you, 8 weeks is a big commitment. 

 So I realized I need to also help people who are a little earlier in their ‘move to Spain’ journey. 

Hence this ‘Is Spain Right for You?’ Starter Course. 

In this course, I’ll explain WHAT you need to know to decide if a move to Spain is right for you and WHY it’s critical to know it. 

If you then decide you want to join the Move to Spain Masterclass and work through all the ins and outs and details of HOW to successfully move to Spain, along with a community of other like-minded people, I’d love to have you join in the next cohort.

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Plus these Bonuses to help you clarify the details... 

Bonus 1

Additional Resources

Many things mentioned in the training may require additional research or calculations (eg. taxes or IPREM), so I've included the links to the needed resources in one handy resource document.

Bonus 2

Recommended Professionals

If you have a special case and you need to speak to someone to get clarity on your situation (eg. you need help to know if your medical condition prevents a move), I'm also including contact forms for some of my recommended experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your question isn't answered here? Send an email to [email protected] and my team will help you out!

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